5 Step Goal Setting Process for Business Success

As 2015 draws to a close, everyone traditionally focuses on sitting down and setting goals for the upcoming year.

Instinctively, we all know that goal setting is a powerful means for achieving success.

A study of Harvard MBA grads showed that only 3% of them had created written goals. And of those who did set goals,  3% went on to earn more than 10 times the rest of the 97% combined!

That’s a pretty strong argument for setting time aside this month to plan and goal set for next year.

You might be wondering where you should start with your goal setting this year.  So here’s a list of 5 steps help you make the most of your goal setting time this month:

5 steps to inspire & make your goal setting easy:

Step 1:  Make a list of all of your accomplishments

Write down everything you accomplished this year both personal AND professional.

Then review your list and I’ll bet you’ll be surprised at how many things you accomplished this year.

This step is critical because it helps to put you into the right frame of mind for step #2.

Step 2:  Create Categories for Your Goals

Take a piece of paper or a white board, and create different categories of goals that you’d like to accomplish.

Examples to help you get started:

  • revenue
  • client
  • outsourcing
  • health
  • family
  • Personal

Then list everything you can think of in each category that you’d like to accomplish.

Don’t over think…just start writing

Step 3:  Review your list and choose your top 5-10 goals

You can’t do everything; so choose the top goals that will make the biggest impact in each area of your life.

Step 4:  Rewrite your top 5-10 Goals

Make sure the goals are very specific, that you include both tangible and intangible goals (an intangible goal might be to feel confident winning clients), and that you write them in the present tense.

Step 5:  Create a goal/vision board.

Visualizing your goals with pictures and words is a very powerful way to reinforce them into your subconscious mind.

High performance athletes have used vision boards and visualization to improve their performance for years.

Put things on your vision board that inspire and bring your goals to life then put it next to your desk in your office where you will see it everyday.

Try following these 5 goal setting steps.

My guess is that it will be so much more empowering for you than what you have done in the past.

In the end, you’ll reach your goals faster than those who end up doing nothing…

Gail Doby

Gail, with her team at Pearl Collective, has helped more than 10,000 designers in 76 countries. Many of them have achieved amazing results... doubling, tripling (and more) their revenue and profit... with clarity and confidence. Gail and her team build one-of-a-kind experiences, walking beside Interior Designers to help them create and implement their plans.


  1. Farha Syed on December 12, 2015 at 6:41 pm

    I will follow these 5 steps.
    Thanks Gail

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